Resources tile

The Resources tile contains two different kinds of tiles:

  • The Matrix tile shows health state, performance metrics and other information for a list of monitored resources.

  • The Resources Summary tile allows you to show a summary of resources, resource groups and subscriptions.

How to configure a Resource tile

  1. Create a new tile on a dashboard or perspective and select the Resource tile.
  2. Choose the type of Resource tile you want to configure:
    See How to use the Matrix tile
  3. Scope:
    Select the scope for your tile.

  4. Configure the settings for your visualization:
  5. Click done to save the tile.

    The tile now shows data according to your settings.

Walkthrough: Using the Summary Grid tile to show a count of all virtual machines by VM size

This walkthrough shows you how to add a Summary Grid visualization to a dashboard.

  1. Create a new tile and click Resources.
  2. Click on the Summary Grid button.
  3. In the scope panel add a resource group or subscription. Tick filter by type and in the box type Virtual machines.
  4. In the grouping section click custom. In the label box type location / VM size. We're going to create a custom label.
  5. In the value box copy and paste the following:
    {{location}} / {{properties.hardwareProfile.vmSize}}

    The mustache helper button to the right of the value box shows all the options available along with an example value. Instead of coping the mustache syntax above, you could select {{location}} from the dropdown list. Then type / and then click the mustache button again and select from the dropdown: {{properties.hardwareProfile.vmSize}}

    For more information see How to use Custom Labels
  6. In sort check that value and descending are selected.
  7. Click done.

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