Performance tile

The Performance tile shows graph visualizations of Azure Monitor metrics data.

Graphs can be clicked on to drilldown to the resource dashboard, and from there the view in portal button allows you to link to the resource in the Azure portal.

How to configure a Performance tile

The following steps guide you through configuring all visualizations except the Report, since configuring a Performance Report works a little bit differently. If you want to configure a Report jump to How to configure a Performance tile Report.

  1. Add a new tile to a dashboard or perspective and choose the Performance tile.
  2. Select the visualization for your Performance tile and click next.

  3. Scope:

    The scope section allows you to define what is shown.

  4. Metric:

    Here you define which value the graph will show. For example, if you want to see the response time of different servers, your metric value would be response time. If you want to see the number of tickets, your metric value would be number (of tickets).

    The drop-down list will show you a list of all metrics available for the scope you have set. Press the down arrow on your keyboard in the choose metric field to see the list.

    If no metrics are listed and the tile is showing the message Resources must all be of the same type go to the Scope panel and check that the resources are all of the same type, such as virtual machines. For example, if you have selected a resource group in the scope you should tick filter by type to ensure that only resources of one type are returned.

    For more information about metrics available see Azure Monitor Metrics Overview and Supported metrics with Azure Monitor. SquaredUp DS does not support metric namespaces. For more information see Azure Monitor Metrics Data Structure.

    After you've chosen a metric, you'll see more options:

    Allows you to select the interval at which you would like to see data points. For example, data points a minute apart, 30 minutes apart, or a day apart.

    Allows you to control how the data is aggregated when using intervals over 1 minute. For example, if using an interval of an hour would you like to the 60 data points collected in each hour to be aggregated together to show you one point for that hour that is the average figure, or the maximum figure.

    Custom label:
    Allows you to specify the metric label.

  5. Dimension:

    In Azure some metrics may have multiple dimensions. Dimensions of a metric are name-value pairs that carry additional data to describe the metric value. For more information see Azure Monitor Metrics Data Structure.

    In SquaredUp DS version 4.5 and above you can choose to split and/or filter results using these dimensions. For more information see this Microsoft article Filtering and splitting.

    Apply splitting:

    Splitting by a dimension allows you to see a different line for the data for each different value that the chosen dimension has.

    When you tick apply splitting you will see a list of all of the dimensions that the scope contains.

    Select which dimensions you want to split by, and the data will separate by the different values that the dimension has.

    Filter by dimension:

    Filtering to a dimension's specific value allows you to see a line that only contains the data for the dimension value that is important to you.

    For a metric that has dimensions go into the dimension panel and tick filter by dimension.

    Click the add button and a drop down list will allow you to choose your dimension and type in the value of the dimension on the box. This will show you a line that only contains data for the chosen value.

  6. Configure the settings for your visualization:
  7. Click done to save the tile.

    The tile now shows data according to your settings.

How to configure a Performance tile Report

  1. Add a new tile to a dashboard or perspective and choose the Performance tile.
  2. Choose the Report visualization.
  3. Report editor:
    Click on Configure report to switch to the report editor.
    In the report editor, you can compare different metrics and time periods with each other:

    Timeframe (at the top of the editor)

    There is only one timeframe for the report and it can be controlled from two different places, in the timeframe panel in the tile and in the report editor. If you change the timeframe in the panel, the timeframe in the report editor changes. If you change the timeframe in the report editor, the timeframe changes in the panel.

    The timeframe section allows you to determine the timeframe for the data. You can choose either to use:

    Use page timeframe

    Specific timeframe

    Custom timeframe

    SquaredUp DS automatically uses the highest resolution data available for the time period.


    The scope section allows you to define what is shown.


    Here you define which value the graph will show. For example, if you want to see the response time of different servers, your metric value would be response time. If you want to see the number of tickets, your metric value would be number (of tickets).

    The drop-down list will show you a list of all metrics available for the scope you have set. Press the down arrow on your keyboard in the choose metric field to see the list.

    If no metrics are listed and the tile is showing the message Resources must all be of the same type go to the Scope panel and check that the resources are all of the same type, such as virtual machines. For example, if you have selected a resource group in the scope you should tick filter by type to ensure that only resources of one type are returned.

    For more information about metrics available see Azure Monitor Metrics Overview and Supported metrics with Azure Monitor. SquaredUp DS does not support metric namespaces. For more information see Azure Monitor Metrics Data Structure.

    After you've chosen a metric, you'll see more options:

    Allows you to select the interval at which you would like to see data points. For example, data points a minute apart, 30 minutes apart, or a day apart.

    Allows you to control how the data is aggregated when using intervals over 1 minute. For example, if using an interval of an hour would you like to the 60 data points collected in each hour to be aggregated together to show you one point for that hour that is the average figure, or the maximum figure.

    Custom label:
    Allows you to specify the metric label.

    Top N

    Here you can define a limit for the number of results you want to see. Activate the limit number of results displayed checkbox to enter a limit for results. You can choose if this limit should be applied from the top ranking results down (ascending, default option) or from the bottom ranking results up (descending).

    Time comparison
    Creates a new line in the graph that shows the same data, but how it looked like in the past. The line will be a dashed line to be easily identifiable as a time comparison. If the line refers to the same object, the lines will be the same color, with the time comparison line in a lighter shade.
    You can choose different points in the past between yesterday and 12 months ago. If you don't want a time comparison line in your graph, leave the setting to none (default).
    Here you can decide if the values (y-axis) and labels for this layer will be shown on the left or right side of the graph.
    If you want to compare two different metrics, it makes sense to put one layer's metrics on the left side and the other layer's metrics on the right side.



    Choose this option if you want to use the default label that has been created automatically.


    Here you can change the label to a custom label. You can use static text and dynamic properties. Use the mustache picker

    to select dynamic properties from the response data to use them as labels.

    For more information see How to use Custom Labels

    • A Layer contains the object and the metric. By adding new layers, you add new metrics and compare them with each other.
    • Time comparisons compares different time periods of the same metric in the same layer.
    • If you want to compare how one metric looks compared to the same metric six months ago, you only need one layer with a time comparison.
    • If you want to compare the CPU usage to the memory usage of one computer, you need two layers with different metrics.
  4. Click back to dashboard in the upper left corner to get back from the report editor to your dashboard.
  5. If you want to define further settings for your report, you need to switch the dashboard to edit mode and edit the tile.
  6. Timeframe:

    There is only one timeframe for the report and it can be controlled from two different places, in the timeframe panel in the tile and in the report editor. If you change the timeframe in the panel, the timeframe in the report editor changes. If you change the timeframe in the report editor, the timeframe changes in the panel.

    The timeframe section allows you to determine the timeframe for the data. You can choose either to use:

    Use page timeframe

    Specific timeframe

    Custom timeframe

  7. Data range:

    The Data Range option allows you to choose the range of data the graph will display. For line graphs, this means the data on the y-axis.

    Shows 0 to 100
    fit to data
    Shows the data minimum to data maximum
    fit to data (from zero)
    Shows from 0 to the data maximum
    Allows you to specify the min and max
    custom fit
    Allows you to specify the min and max limits, so that data outside your settings will not be shown. If all the data falls within your specified ranges then the y-axis range will fit to the data rather than your caps.

  8. Height:


    Allows you to set the height of the tile with a slider.

  9. Legend:

    Allows you to show or hide the legend of the graph.

  10. Click done to save the tile.

    The tile now shows data according to your settings.

How to enable graph color matching

Graph color matching means that one item (a specific resource, object, site, anything you are displaying in your graphs) is shown in the same color in different graphs on one dashboard or one perspective.

Line Graphs, Sparklines, Bar Graphs and Reports (available in Performance tiles) support graph color matching.

Color matching only works when the item uses the exact same label in all graphs.

For SquaredUp DS v4.8 and above:
Graph lines on a dashboard will show the same color when the object labels match, even if those graphs show different metrics.

For SquaredUp DS v4.7 and below:
Graph lines will only show the same color for the same object when displaying the same metric.

How to use graph color matching

  1. Graph color matching must be enabled for the dashboard or the perspective. The default setting for all dashboards and perspectives is color matching enabled.
  2. The label for the item must be the same in all graphs that you want to display the same color.
  3. For Sparklines and Bar Graphs (called Bar Top N in Performance tiles), you need to switch on multiple colors to enable color matching. Multiple colors is switched off by default, you need to switch it on for each Sparkline and Bar Graph.


Walkthrough: Adding a Line Graph to show % Processor Time.

Walkthrough: Adding a Heatmap to show % Processor time and Logical Processors.

Walkthrough: Adding a Report to compare different metrics and/or time periods.


Why are no metrics listed?

If no metrics are listed and the tile is showing the message Resources must all be of the same type go to the Scope panel and check that the resources are all of the same type, such as virtual machines. For example, if you have selected a resource group in the scope you should tick filter by type to ensure that only resources of one type are returned.

How do I get the line colors to match for the same objects on different graphs?

Ensure that the labels match, jump to How to enable graph color matching.

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