Status tile

About the Status tile

The Status tile allows you to show resources, resource groups and subscriptions (see What is an Azure Resource?), and any health states.

Tip: Too add more context to the health states your displaying, you can also show them on an image background. For example, you can use a map as a background and show your servers and their health on the map based on their location.
You have two options for that: You can either use the Surface tile which even lets you display additional information to the health state (How to use the Surface tile) or, if you just need the health state, you can use the Image tile (see How to use the Image tile).

How to configure a Status tile

  1. Add a new tile to a dashboard or perspective and choose the Status tile.

  2. Choose the visualization for your tile:
    Note: Donuts are only available for resources, not for resource groups and subscriptions.

  3. Scope:
    The scope section allows you to define what is shown.

    When you select a resource group in the resource group section, the status for resources within that resource group will be shown.

  4. Configure the settings for the visualization you chose:
  5. Click done to save the tile.

    The tile now shows data according to your settings.


Hints and Tips

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