Cost Management tile

About Cost Management tiles

The Cost Management tile shows the cost of Azure resources, resource groups or subscriptions.

Analysing your Azure costs should help you identify big costs early, spot trends, and tie costs to applications.

The Cost tile is able to display cost information provided the resource group(s)/subscription(s) have been delegated under a role which has the necessary actions (e.g. the Cost Management Reader role).

How to configure a Cost Management tile

  1. Add a new tile to a dashboard and choose the Cost Management tile.
  2. Select the visualization for your Cost Management tile and click next.
  3. Scope:
    The scope panel allows you to define which resources are used to calculate the total cost shown.
    It depends on the scope how results are displayed:
    Note for Utilization Treemaps:
    When you are using the Utilization Treemap visualization all items in the scope must be of the same type, because metrics are being used.
    Note for Scalars:
    If you select a resource group in the resource group scope option, the scalar will show the cost of that resource group.
    Users will only see in SquaredUp DS what they are allowed to see in the Azure portal, which is controlled by role-based access control (RBAC) for Azure resources. If the user does not have access to any of the resources that the Cost tile is scoped to, they will see a zero cost, or when scoped to a subscription: The subscription was not found in the list of available subscriptions. If they have access to some of the resources they will not see the full cost, but instead see the cost of the subset of resources that they have permission to see.

    • If you want to see the sum of the cost of individual resources, use the list option and select several individual resources.
      Known issue: Cost accrued for deleted resources is not included.
    • If you want to see the total cost of all resources with a particular type (for example, all virtual machines), use the type option.
  4. Configure the settings for the visualization you chose:

Walkthrough: Using the Utilization Treemap to show a heated treemap of cost and percentage CPU

This walkthrough shows you how to add a Utilization Treemap tile to a dashboard.

  1. In SquaredUp DS navigate to where you'd like the dashboard to be created. Hover over the + button and click dashboard.
  2. Give the dashboard a title, by replacing the text that says New Dashboard.
    The dashboard is saved as you go along so there's no need to save your changes. You can find your dashboard by clicking on the right-hand menu ☰ > system > unpublished.
  3. A new tile has already been added to the dashboard. Edit the title by overwriting the placeholder value New tile with your own title.
  4. The tile selector will already be open. Click Cost Management.
  5. Click on the Utilization Treemap button.
  6. Next we need to scope the tile. In the scope section add a resource group or subscription.
  7. Tick filter by type and in the box type Virtual machines.
  8. In the metric section select a suitable metric such as Percentage CPU. At this point you should see a Utilization Treemap.
    The size is the cost representation, and the color is the metric. By default the metric value is the average for the timeframe selected, in this case the average for the last 30 days, so we'll change this to maximum next.
  9. Under aggregation click on maximum
  10. Click on the color section and change the color if you wish. The darker the color the higher the metric value, in this case the higher the percentage CPU. So we can look for large rectangles (high cost) with pale color (low CPU use) to see if there are VMs we are under-utilizing.
  11. Click done.


  • Amortized costs for reserved instances cannot be viewed in SquaredUp DS (SQ-3376)
  • Deleted resources are not included when scoping the Cost Management tile leading to discrepancies with the Azure Portal (SQ-1449)
  • The calculated totals for Treemap and Sunburst tiles do not include the cost of each item that, over the selected timeframe, does not exceed 0.50 in the currency unit for that item (SQ-2527)
  • SquaredUp DS for Azure does not currently support Azure Cost Management’s cost allocation rules (SQ-3049)

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