Uptime Robot provider

Before you configure the Web API tile for use with Uptime Robot you need to create a Uptime Robot provider in SquaredUp DS.

Adding a provider is a one-time configuration task, and once the provider has been configured it can be used each time you configure a tile.

You may like to refer to the Uptime Robot API documentation or speak to your Uptime Robot expert.

For Uptime Robot the provider must be created as a simple provider:

  1. In SquaredUp DS navigate to the right-hand menu ☰ > system > Integrations

  2. Under Integrations click Web API.
  3. Click the authentication type Simple
  4. In the service name box type in a suitable name, e.g. UptimeRobot
  5. The base URL should be the current Uptime Robot API URL, for example:
    We recommend you include the API version here in the base URL, so if the API version changes you only need to update it here, rather than in every tile.
  6. Under url parameters click add
  7. Add the following:
    name: api-key
    value: <API token from Uptime Robot>
    See Uptime Robot: Authentication - Which api-key type to use
  8. Click Save.

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