PagerDuty provider

Before you configure the Web AP tile for use with PagerDuty you need to create a PagerDuty provider in SquaredUp DS.

Adding a provider is a one-time configuration task, and once the provider has been configured it can be used each time you configure a tile.

For PagerDuty the provider must be created as a simple provider:

  1. In SquaredUp DS navigate to the right-hand menu ☰ > system > Integrations

  2. Under Integrations click Web API.
  3. Click the authentication type Simple
  4. In the service name box type in a suitable name, e.g. PagerDuty
  5. The base URL should be the current PagerDuty API URL, for example:
  6. Under default headers click add
  7. Add the following information to the boxes as shown below:
    First box (name): authorization Second box (value): Token token=API token from PagerDuty

    You can create an API access key (token) by logging in to PagerDuty > Integrations > API Access Keys > Create New API Key, and ticking Read-only API Key. See Generating API Keys

    Copy the API access key from PagerDuty before closing the window:

    Paste into the authorization value box in SquaredUp DS, prepended by Token token= as shown above.
  8. Click Save.

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