Troubleshooting users being unable to logon

No license available. There are either insufficient named user licenses available, or you have been blocked from logging on to this server

No license available. There are either insufficient named user licenses available, or you have been blocked from logging on to this server.

This message means that either:

  • The user trying to log on has been blocked from accessing SquaredUp DS.


  • The maximum number of named users has been reached and therefore this user has been declined a license.

In SquaredUp DSclick on the right-hand menu ☰ > system > named users. Check if this user has been blocked, or if they are listed as a licensed user, and how many named users are available.

If you do not see the number of named users you expected see the FAQ and Troubleshooting section of How to manage Named Users.

Users are unexpectedly logged out or see "Your session has expired"

Your session has expired. Please refresh the page and try again

A user can roam across devices, but cannot connect from more than one device simultaneously. A user can have SquaredUp DS open in several browser tabs on the same device at the same time, but cannot access SquaredUp DS from multiple different browsers at the same time.

HTTP Error 500

Need admin approval


You may also like to look at How to manage Named Users

Please contact SquaredUp Support

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