Blank browser after installing SquaredUp DS v5

The browser may show a blank page if you are accessing SquaredUp DS on an unsupported web browser.

This may be seen for the first time following the installation or upgrade, when you will need to open SquaredUp DS in a web browser to run through the setup wizard.

Check that the browser is supported for use with SquaredUp DS. On the server you should also check the server's default browser (search Windows > default apps).

Supported Browsers

SquaredUp DS works best with the latest versions of Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari on desktop & mobile.

Internet Explorer is not supported on SquaredUp DS v5 and above. Older browsers may show a blank page.

On SquaredUp DS v4 Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions are not supported.

For more information see Server Spec and Sizing

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