How to manually configure SquaredUp DS for Azure

If the user who installs DS for Azure is not able to run the SquaredUp DS setup wizard, i.e. is not an Azure global admin, then the steps in this article allow a user with the correct permissions to manually configure DS for Azure in the Azure Active Directory (AAD).

Before configuring DS for Azure

DS for Azure can be installed using the downloadable installer. Please ensure DS for Azure has been installed before continuing to manually configure DS for Azure.

How to install SquaredUp DS for Azure using the installer

A note to global admins

You may have been referred to these instructions by someone who did not have the permissions required to complete the SquaredUp DS setup wizard themselves. As a global administrator you should have the needed permissions to run the SquaredUp DS setup wizard. Using the wizard is usually the quickest and easiest way to configure DS for Azure.

The SquaredUp DS setup wizard

The SquaredUp DS setup wizard runs when you access SquaredUp DS.

How to access SquaredUp DS

If you deployed SquaredUp DS from the Azure Marketplace:

The URL is https://DNSName of the virtual machine (VM) deployed.

How to configure SquaredUp DS using the SquaredUp DS setup wizard

You can see step by step guidance for running through the SquaredUp DS for Azure setup wizard here:

How to install SquaredUp DS for Azure using the installer

Don't forget the next steps after completing the SquaredUp DS setup wizard:

  1. Take a look at the SquaredUp DS v5 playlist on YouTube.
  2. Manage which users can access SquaredUp DS: How to manage Named Users
  3. Set up a SquaredUp DS administrator(s). To manage SquaredUp DS you will need to be a SquaredUp DS administrator, see How to make a user a SquaredUp DS administrator
  4. Give dashboard authors permission to create dashboards. A SquaredUp DS administrator will need to give users or groups author permission to a Team Folder, within which they can create and edit dashboards. See Team Folders
  5. Get access to your API data: How to add a Web API provider
  6. Configure Open Access dashboards. Open Access enables easy sharing of dashboards, that do not require authentication to view. See Sharing Dashboards with anyone - Open Access
  7. Create your first dashboard: How to create a dashboard

If you are able to complete the SquaredUp DS setup wizard you need go no further with this article. If you prefer to carry out the configuration manually please continue with this article.

Manually create the AD Application

  1. In the Azure portal create a new application in Azure AD via Azure Active Directory > App Registrations- > New Registration
  2. Enter any name for the application.
  3. Enter the redirect URI for your SquaredUp DS instance - it must end with a slash, e.g. https://DNSName/
  4. Click Register.
  5. Configure the token authentication options by clicking Authentication (under Manage).
  6. Under Implicit grant, check the ID tokens box, and click the Save button at the top.
  7. Configure the permissions for the application by clicking API Permissions (under Manage).
  8. Click Add a permission > Microsoft Graph > Delegated permissions and add the following permissions:
    • Directory.Read.All
    • Group.Read.All
    • User.Read
    • User.ReadBasic.All
  9. Click Add permissions.
  10. Click Add a permission > Azure Service Management > Delegated permissions and add the following permissions:
  11. user\impersonation_
  12. Click Add permissions.
  13. To enable AAD non-administrators to login, click the Grant admin consent for XXX button, and click Yes.
  14. Create a client secret via Certificates & secrets (under Manage).
  15. Click New client secret, provide a name and an appropriate expiry.
  16. Copy and save the displayed secret value. You will need this later for client-secret.
  17. Add the application roles via Manifest (under Manage)
  18. Replace
    "appRoles": [],

    "appRoles": [
    				"allowedMemberTypes": [
    				"description": "Default SquaredUp User",
    				"displayName": "DefaultUser",
    				"id": "6dff721d-651b-4a79-b5c5-ac66839a3130",
    				"isEnabled": true,
    				"lang": null,
    				"origin": "Application",
    				"value": "DefaultUser"
    				"allowedMemberTypes": [
    				"description": "SquaredUp Administrator",
    				"displayName": "SquaredUpAdministrator",
    				"id": "1da1031d-cce9-4c98-8d39-5d39d3ad2fab",
    				"isEnabled": true,
    					"lang": null,
    				"origin": "Application",
    				"value": "SquaredUpAdministrator"
  19. Click the Save button at the top.
  20. From the Overview blade, copy and save the Application (client) ID and the Directory (tenant) ID. You will need these later for client-id and tenant-id.

Add a user as an administrator

Only SquaredUp DS administrators can manage SquaredUp DS, which includes the following tasks:

  • Create, edit, delete and restore dashboards (see Recycle Bin)
  • Create or delete Team Folders
  • Add new PowerShell profiles and integrations (such as Web API, ServiceNow, Azure Application Insights, etc.)
  • Edit the global dashboard navigation structure

See How to make a user a SquaredUp DS administrator

Configure SquaredUp DS to use the application

If you are not the person who installed SquaredUp DS for Azure then you can now pass them the client-id and client-secret and they can complete the rest of this article.

You will need to connect to your SquaredUp server (How to connect to your SquaredUp server).

  1. On the SquaredUp server, run Notepad as administrator (Start, Run, type notepad, and then right-click and select Run as administrator).
  2. Open the following file from the SquaredUp DS folder:

  3. The file will contain four properties:
      "tenant-id": "",
      "client-id": "",
      "client-secret": "",
      "redirect-uri": ""
  4. Add the property values.
    Use the details noted above for tenant-id, client-id, and client-secret.
    The redirect-uri is the URL you use for accessing SquaredUp DS.
    For an Azure Marketplace deployment it may look similar to this
    For an install using the downloadable installer the default is to append the server fully qualified domain name (FQDN) with /squaredupv5/, e.g., but this may have been customized during the installation.
  5. Your completed file will look something like this:
      "tenant-id": "a1b23c4f-5de0-6ab7-8cde-9012345a678b",
      "client-id": "12a34b5c-d67e-89ab-c0d1-2345ea5bf78c",
      "client-secret": "1a234bc5fdea92ef8a391030bbfb66c40bd0c0bff4e3afe2ec1e68926b25a0554d65ed044b427a01dfca4a0588f6540eb",
      "redirect-uri": ""
  6. Save the file.
  7. In IIS recycle the SquaredUp DS application pool for the setting to take effect (How to check and modify the application pool identity).
  8. Browse to SquaredUp DS using the redirect-uri specified. You will be prompted to login.

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