Pinned Perspectives

What is a pinned perspective?

A 'pinned perspective' is a perspective that has been added to the navigation bar (available in v4.5 and above).

Pinning a perspective to the navigation bar creates a handy shortcut to a perspective for a specific resource. Usually, you first need to navigate to the specific resource to be able to choose which perspective you want to see. By pinning the perspective to the navigation bar, you can go to one specific perspective directly.

Note: A pinned perspective is one perspective for one specific resource. Even though a perspective can be available for different resources of the same type, pinning a perspective does not mean you pin the perspective to the navigation bar and then choose the resource you want to see. The pinned perspective will be about the one resource you were viewing when you pinned the perspective.

Use cases for pinned perspectives

In addition to creating a shortcut on the navigation bar, pinned perspectives offer you two further options:

  • You can add the pinned perspective to a Team Folder to control who can view the pinned perspective.

    Note: Only SquaredUp DS Admins can create and edit perspectives. This applies also to pinned perspectives in Team Folders. While a normal dashboard in a Team Folder can be edited by users when they have the author or owner role for the Team Folder, a pinned perspective in a Team Folder can't be edited by users, even if they have the author or owner role, since editing a perspective affects all resources of the same type.

    For more information about Team Folders and roles see Team Folders.
  • You can publish the pinned perspective via Open Access to make it visible for others who can't login to SquaredUp DS (for more information about publishing with Open Access see Sharing Dashboards with anyone - Open Access)

Navigating from a pinned perspective to the resource

A pinned perspective shows a go to drilldown button which takes you to the resource. From there, you can see the perspective ribbon again and choose between all available perspectives for that resource.

Editing a pinned perspective

When you are viewing a pinned perspective and click on the edit this dashboard button you'll get a message that this dashboard is a pinned perspective and can't be edited here.

When you click on edit perspective you'll get to the resource that contains the perspective. Here you can navigate to the perspective and edit it like a normal perspective.

Note: Only SquaredUp DS Admins can create and edit perspectives. This applies also to pinned perspectives in Team Folders. While a normal dashboard in a Team Folder can be edited by users when they have the author or owner role for the Team Folder, a pinned perspective in a Team Folder can't be edited by users, even if they have the author or owner role, since editing a perspective affects all resources of the same type.

Note: The changes you make to the perspective will apply to all resources for which the perspective is available, not just for the one resource that is shown in the pinned perspective.

How to create a pinned perspective

Note: Only SquaredUp DS Admins can create pinned perspectives.

  1. Go to the resource you want to pin a perspective for.
  2. Choose the perspective you want to pin for this resource from the perspective ribbon.
  3. Click on the Share this dashboard button at the top right of the page. This button is only visible when you are not in edit mode.
  4. Under Pin this perspective as a dashboard, click on the select location button.
  5. You'll see your navigation bar displayed as a tree structure. At the bottom of the tree you'll see the perspective as a new item highlighted in red. Drag the perspective into the navigation bar structure as you require.
    Note for Team Folders: If you want to add the perspective to a Team Folder you need to select the Team Folder from the drop down list at the top of the tree structure first.
    Name of the pinned perspective: By default, the name of the pinned perspective is the name of the resource (and resource group if applicable) followed by the name of the perspective. You can edit the name by clicking on it.
  6. Click the pin perspective button at the bottom of the navigation structure.

How to delete a pinned perspective

You can navigate to a dashboard, perspective, or pinned perspective, click the edit

button and then click the delete button.

Note: If you are deleting a pinned perspective, you only delete the pinned perspective, not the original perspective.

Note about the discard button:

If a dashboard or perspective is not published yet (draft), the discard and discard changes buttons will delete it.

If the dashboard or perspective has been published, and then you make changes, discard will discard the changes and leave the previously published dashboard or perspective live.

If you unpublish a dashboard or perspective and then discard changes then the dashboard or perspective will be deleted.

More options to delete a dashboard or pinned perspective

Note: These options only work for dashboards and pinned perspectives, not for perspectives. If you delete a pinned perspective, only the pinned perspective will be deleted, not the original perspective.

Other options to delete a dashboard or pinned perspective are:

  1. You can delete the dashboard or pinned perspective from the navigation bar. Deleting it from the navigation bar will delete it completely, not just from the navigation bar.
  2. If the dashboard or pinned perspective is in a folder, you can go to the folder settings
    , click the edit
    button, and delete it from the folder. Deleting it from the folder will delete the dashboard, not just from the folder. Admin users can restore dashboards and perspectives, see Recycle Bin

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