Troubleshooting Open Access (v4)

This article describes how to troubleshoot Open Access on SquaredUp DS v4. If you are using v5 see Troubleshooting Open Access v5

1. Check Open Access is configured correctly

Open Access enables easy sharing of dashboards, that do not require authentication to view. As no user is logged in, the SquaredUp Enterprise Application (service principal) is used. Open Access dashboards will only show resources, resource groups or subscriptions for which the enterprise application has at least the role of Reader.

See Sharing Dashboards with anyone - Open Access

2. Common problems

"Error loading dashboard - An error occurred loading this dashboard"

If you see the following error, you should check the Open Access loopback URL:

Open Access - "An error occurred loading this dashboard" - Checking the Open Access Loopback URL on v4

Some tiles on the Open Access page are not shown

You may need to increase the time between the dashboard being loaded and snapshot being taken:

Open Access: Some tiles on the Open Access page are not shown

Open Access dashboards do not show all the resources on a tile

See Open Access dashboards do not show all the resources on a tile

"No resources", "No entities" or "Subscription not found"

"No resources matched the specified scope."

"No entities found."

"The subscription was not found in the list of available subscriptions."

"There are no Azure subscriptions available: Check the Access Control (IAM) role and scope for the subscriptions you intend to access."

To allow resources to show on Open Access dashboards you need to give the SquaredUp Enterprise Application Reader access to the resource, resource group or subscription as described in Sharing Dashboards with anyone - Open Access

Open Access dashboards are cut off or show an unusable fixed scroll bar

If the full length of the Open Access page is not shown or fixed scroll bars are visible then you may need to increase some settings:

See Open Access: Open Access dashboards are cut off or show an unusable fixed scroll bar

"You do not have the required permissions or your current license does not include Open Access"

Open Access: You do not have the required permissions or your current license does not include Open Access

3. Content that does not work on v4 Open Access pages

  • Open Access dashboards are non-interactive so users will not be able to hover or drill down for more information you may wish to design your dashboards slightly differently with Open Access in mind. For example, you should consider adding a key to a performance line graph.
  • Web Content tiles are not supported with Open Access, because in many cases they do not work. Slow webpages may show as blank in Open Access. Webpages requiring authentication will not work because Open Access does not use any authentication.

Reference - v4 Open Access settings

This table shows the most used Open Access settings as described in this article. Most values are in milliseconds (ms), but oa-refresh-interval is in seconds.

Default value
Base loopback URL
How long to wait after an ajax call before assuming all calls are complete in ms (1000 ms is 1 second)
Timeout applied before doing the width in ms (300 ms is 0.3 seconds)
Timeout applied before doing the length in ms (300 ms is 0.3 seconds)
When this is enabled an OpenAccessEngine.log file is generated in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\squaredupv4\Transient\Log
true (if troubleshooting)
When enabled SSR will log verbosely
true (if troubleshooting)
Open Access dashboard refresh interval in seconds (not in ms) (60 seconds)
Open Access dashboards in DS for Azure default to light theme, but can be changed to darktheme
darktheme (if preferred)

Once troubleshooting is complete, remove the "oa-engine-logging": true, and "oa-verbose-logging": true lines and remove the comma from the last line.

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