Open Access - "An error occurred loading this dashboard" - Checking the Open Access Loopback URL on v4


Error loading dashboard

An error occurred loading this dashboard, there may be more information available in your log file.

On SquaredUp DS v4 this is fixed by setting the Open Access Loopback URL as described in this article. If you are using SquaredUp DS v5 see Troubleshooting Open Access (v5).

What is the Open Access Loopback URL?

When you visit an Open Access URL the rendering software prepares to take a snapshot of the dashboard. It renders the dashboard by acting as a browser and visiting a SquaredUp DS URL, it takes a snapshot and this image is then served back to the user who originally requested the page.

The SquaredUp DS URL, known as the Open Access loopback URL, is usually determined programmatically by checking the IIS bindings. With default IIS settings of localhost:80 the loopback URL that the system would automatically try would be http://localhost. Occasionally this default loopback URL can be determined incorrectly, however this problem can be overcome by specifying a oa-loopback-base-url in the openaccess.json file as described below.

Setting the Open Access Loopback URL

The loopback URL is only necessary on SquaredUp DS v4. If you are using SquaredUp DS v5 see Troubleshooting Open Access (v5).

  1. First we need to determine what the Open Access loopback URL should be.
    If you are using SSL the loopback URL should be the URL your SSL certificate is signed to, for example
    If you are unsure what your loopback URL should be take a look at the bindings to see if a hostname is specified. On the server where SquaredUp DS is installed open IIS Manager and click on Squaredupv4, then on Bindings on the right hand menu under Actions. If there is a hostname and port specified note them down. Do not edit the bindings.
    Next we need to specify the loopback URL in the openaccess.json file. You may need to try a few different options.
    You will need to connect to your SquaredUp server. How to connect to your SquaredUp server
    • If port 443 is shown, then the loopback URL to try is https://hostname
    • If no hostname is specified, but the port is 443, then the loopback URL to try is https://localhost
    • If no hostname or port is specified, but you do use a specific URL to access SquaredUp DSyou should try the hostname from this URL.
    • If you're not sure which settings to use, please contact SquaredUp Support and reply to the automatic response with the output of the SquaredUp DS Diagnostics (see Collecting diagnostic information).
  2. On the SquaredUp server, run Notepad as administrator (StartRun, type notepad, and then right-click and select Run as administrator).

    With Notepad in administrator mode, open the openaccess.json file from the following path in the SquaredUp DS folder:


  3. Modify the file to read as follows:
        "oa-loopback-base-url": "LoopbackURL",
        "oa-ajax-complete-wait": 5000

    where LoopbackURL should be replaced with the URL determined above, for example https://localhost or https://CertificateURL
  4. Save the file.
  5. In IIS recycle the SquaredUp DS application pool for the setting to take effect.
    If you are unable to access SquaredUp DS ("SquaredUp cannot start due to an error" or "Startup failed for 'Configuration'") after editing openaccess.json then there is an error in the file. Correct openaccess.json and recycle the SquaredUp DS application pool again.

For more help see Troubleshooting Open Access (v4) or Troubleshooting Open Access (v5)

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